Cannabis Pilot Program Kicks Off in Switzerland

Cannabis Pilot Program Kicks Off in Switzerland

Weed is sold in one of Switzerland’s largest cities.

The country officially launched a pilot cannabis project on Monday, paving the way for hundreds of selected participants to purchase recreational marijuana at various pharmacies in the Swiss city of Basel.

Swiss authorities last year gave the green light to a pilot project with the country’s Federal Office for Public Health. [saying] The idea of ​​this project is to develop a better understanding of ‘alternative forms of regulation’, such as regulated sales in pharmacies, that could form the basis for future legislation. ” According to Associated Press.

“The Basel project, which involves the local government, the University of Basel and the city’s University Psychiatric Clinic, is scheduled to start at the end of the summer,” AP reported last year. “About 400 participants will be able to purchase a range of cannabis products at selected pharmacies in Basel,” the city government said. You will be asked questions about your physical health on a regular basis.

Program participants are closely monitored by government regulators and are prohibited from sharing cannabis with anyone outside the program.

Vigia AG, a Swiss company that provides tracking software, Said This week, it “developed a cannabis dispensing system in partnership with the Federal Public Health Service (FOPH) to ensure product dispensation is documented,” making it possible to “transparently track cannabis products.” , is the foundation of scientific research.”

“We are in an emerging industry where different paths to legalization are currently being discussed. With a structured legalization process, maximum compatibility and transparency, Switzerland sets an example. Using the existing Cannavigia software and the Cannabis Dispensary System to provide the various stakeholders with the tools they need to track and document every step along the supply chain, the Swiss pilot project and this historic We are proud to be a part of Milestone,” said Philipp Hagenbach, Chief Operating Officer of Vigia AG. Said in a press release on Monday.

release Includes details on Vigia AG’s involvement in the landmark Swiss Program.

“Vigia AG is the Official Track & Trace Partner of FOPH in pilot trials. This kind of partnership between government and commercial companies in the cannabis industry is unique to this sector. We have added a Cannabis Dispensing System (CDS) to our solution, thanks to the combination of the two, companies growing cannabis for their projects can monitor their cultivation and supply chain to help ensure the quality of their final product. increase.

“Project personnel can use this software to enroll study participants. Weed Care study leaders will begin doing this as early as September 2022. This will allow pharmacies to increase sales and participation Individual amounts distributed to consumers can be tracked, ensuring that only authorized people can purchase products, which guarantees consumers, especially minor protections, and future legalized environments The Cannabis Dispensary System provides FOPH with an overview of cannabis distribution in Switzerland and supports its reporting obligations to the United Nations International Drug Control Commission. Their data are always stored under a pseudonym to ensure data protection.”

With two decades of dedicated experience, Nuggs is a seasoned cannabis writer and grower. His journey has been a harmonious blend of nurturing cannabis from seed to harvest and crafting insightful content. A true expert, they've honed strain-specific knowledge, cultivation techniques, and industry insights. His passion shines through enlightening articles and thriving gardens, making them a respected figure in both the growing and writing facets of the cannabis world.

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