NCAA Committee Shows Support for Removing Cannabis From List of Banned Substances

NCAA Committee Shows Support for Removing Cannabis From List of Banned Substances

On June 16th, National Collegiate Athletic Association The (NCAA) Commission on Competition Protection and Medical Aspects of Sports (CSMAS) has issued a statement in support of removing cannabis from the list of prohibited substances.

The NCAA is governed by three divisions, Divisions I, II and III. According to a press release, the CSMAS met last week in Indianapolis at the introduction of Divisions II and III and “asked for further consideration.” [NCAA’s] Cannabis policy and whether NCAA drug testing should be limited to performance-enhancing substances. “

To remove cannabis from the NCAA substance list, Division I, II, III Laws must be introduced and adopted. This latest update came in the wake of his 2022 Cannabinoid Summit in Collegiate Athletics in December 2022. Ultimately, the consensus states that “cannabis is not a performance-enhancing drug and a harm-reducing approach to cannabis is best implemented during college exercise.” school level. ”

The CSMAS rationale leading to this recommendation includes an emphasis on testing for substances that enhance athletic performance and give athletes an unfair advantage, and adopting harm reduction philosophies similar to how alcohol is addressed. and educating student-athletes about the health effects of cannabis. . It also said it would support a “comprehensive communication and education campaign to provide members with guidance on cannabis” when considering changes to the association’s current cannabis policy.

committee too Adopt trace level threshold for metabolic regulators GW1516 (also known as cardarine or endurobol) is less than 0.1 nanograms per milliliter (npm).

The NCAA Mental Health Advisory Group first met in 2016. December 2022, working to update the NCAA Mental Health Best Practices document. NCAA Chief Medical Officer Brian Heinlein explained the importance of mental health support for athletes. “The mental health and well-being of student-athletes has been a consistent theme and top priority since I began working with the NCAA in 2013 and the launch of the NCAA Mental Health Task Force.” hainlein said. “The Mental Health Advisory Group is part of our ongoing effort to enhance our programs and educational resources for our members and student-athletes.”

CSMAS shared that it had reviewed and expressed preliminary support for an early draft of the Mental Health Advisory Group document. According to a June 16 announcement, the Mental Health Advisory Group will continue work on a final update to his CSMAS later this year and an update will be available. Between 2024 and 2025.

of February 2022The CSMAS announced it would raise the THC threshold for a positive cannabis drug test from 35npm to 150npm, which was done to match the World Anti-Doping Agency threshold. “Reconsidering the NCAA’s approach to cannabis testing and management is aligned with feedback from our members on how to better support and educate student-athletes in a society where public health and cultural views on cannabis use are rapidly evolving. We do,” Heinlein said last year. “While marijuana is not considered a performance-enhancing substance, it remains important that member schools engage with student-athletes regarding drug use prevention and provide management and support where needed.”

Other sports organizations and associations are similarly improving their cannabis policies. The National Basketball Association (NBA) and the National Basketball Players Association (NBPA) are considering removing cannabis from their list of banned substances for players in April, with plans to open up opportunities for players to invest in cannabis companies as well. announced that there is

Also last month, the Chicago Cubs became the first MLB team to partner with a CBD company. MYNDdrink. “We are proud to be the first club to partner with a CBD company, but more importantly to us, the brand was properly aligned,” said Alex Seyferth, vice president of corporate partnerships for the Chicago Cubs. It was just to see if it fit,” he said. “MYND DRINKS is a Chicago-based company that promotes overall wellness and helps reduce stressors in everyday life, like Friday’s 1:20 game at Wrigley Field. The partnership includes Wrigley Field signage and other marketing.

Alexandra Solorio
Introducing Alexandra, an accomplished cannabis writer who has passionately pursued her craft for a decade. Through a decade-long journey, Alexandra has cultivated a profound connection with the cannabis world, translating her expertise into captivating prose. From unraveling the plant's rich history to exploring its therapeutic marvels and legal evolution, she has adeptly catered to both connoisseurs and newcomers. An unwavering advocate, Alexandra's words not only enlighten but also advocate responsible cannabis use, establishing her as an indispensable industry voice over the past ten years.

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