Nebraska Medical Pot Initiative Fails To Qualify For Ballot

Nebraska Medical Pot Initiative Fails To Qualify For Ballot

A bid to get medical marijuana proposals in this year’s Nebraska ballot officially failed Monday.

Medical marijuana Nebraskans said that Secretary of State Bob Evenen said, “Our efforts to alleviate the pain of so many suffering Nebraskans are a signatory that was finally validated in a vote in November.” He announced that he did not meet the minimum qualifications.”

“It is no exaggeration to say that we are devastated.” The campaign said in a Facebook announcement“People in afflicted Nebraska should not face having to move themselves or their families out of the state they call home just to get health care.”

The group submitted more than 184,000 signatures to the Nebraska Secretary of State last month, an hour before the deadline.

actually, Nebraskans pursue medical marijuana What has been described as “two complementary initiatives” for state ballots: The Patient Protection Act provides “for patients with serious health conditions and their caregivers from arrest for medical marijuana use recommended by their health care provider.” You should have stated that you will be protected. The Medical Cannabis Regulation Act would have established the “Nebraska Medical Cannabis Commission to Regulate Private Companies Providing Medical Cannabis to Eligible Patients.”

Neither will be included in Cornhusker’s ballot this November.

The Associated Press reports: “Each proposal required approximately 87,000 signatures — a total of 7 percent of registered voters and 5 percent of registered voters in at least 38 of Nebraska’s 93 counties — and was put to a referendum. Patient Protection The initiative has collected 77,843 valid signatures and the 5% threshold has been met in only 26 counties, Evnen said, whose proposals are allowed up to 5 ounces for qualified medical reasons. The Cannabis Control Initiative garnered 77,119 signatures and met the 5% threshold in 27 counties. , legalized distribution, delivery and dispensing, and established a commission to regulate state medical cannabis programs.”

Monday’s news shows the expected conclusion to Nebraskans’ tumultuous campaign for medical marijuana.

In March, the group said it was rushing to make donations after two individuals it was expected to be major contributors were unable to support the campaign due to extenuating circumstances.

“I think devastating is an understatement,” Christa Eggers, one of the group’s spokespersons and leaders, said at the time.

“If what we needed was grit, drive and determination, we got it,” added Eggers. “If it were necessary, our campaign would be over. Unfortunately, what our campaign lacks and should have is money.”

Eggers joined the campaign for personal reasons. His son Colton has epilepsy but is unable to get medical cannabis treatment in his hometown.

“We have received so much encouragement from individuals across the state, like our son Colton, who are helping many patients who are in dire need of access to this drug. Your Politics Regardless of the political background, we should all agree that it is cruel and inhumane to criminalize any drug that has the potential to alleviate suffering.” It doesn’t reflect the values ​​of our family and we are going to change that.Everyone who believes in compassion for those who are suffering like my son, join this movement and win 2022. I need to help the

Despite funding failures, Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana was able to gather thousands of signatures and submit its petition just before the deadline last month.

But that sense of victory was short-lived. Now, medical marijuana Nebraskans say they have their sights set on 2024.

“Once we receive the results from the Office of the Secretary of State, we will analyze the data and immediately work on qualifying for the 2024 ballot,” the group said Monday.

With two decades of dedicated experience, Nuggs is a seasoned cannabis writer and grower. His journey has been a harmonious blend of nurturing cannabis from seed to harvest and crafting insightful content. A true expert, they've honed strain-specific knowledge, cultivation techniques, and industry insights. His passion shines through enlightening articles and thriving gardens, making them a respected figure in both the growing and writing facets of the cannabis world.

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