Seven Founding Fathers Who Farmed Hemp and Advocated for It

Seven Founding Fathers Who Farmed Hemp and Advocated for It

247 years ago, on July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress unanimously adopted: declaration of independenceannounced that the colonies would separate from Great Britain. Many of them not only grew cannabis, but also claimed how important this plant was to the foundation of American agriculture. Sorting out rumors about Founding Fathers and cannabis is another story. Fabricated citations and misinformation.

Given that many of the Founding Fathers owned slaves, and that Thomas Jefferson and Henry Clay’s slaves also cultivated cannabis, the proclamation that “all men are born equal” is an overarching argument. Claims should be taken with a grain of salt. Actual equal rights will take much longer to come to fruition.

In colonial times, Cannabis was recognized as a means of tax payment Over 150 years. Here are the top founding fathers who grew, milled, processed, or advocated for hemp.

George Washington, George Washington’s legacy credits him with cultivating cannabis extensively and comparing it to tobacco. “George Washington cultivated cannabis at Mount Vernon for industrial use throughout his life.” Mount Vernon write. “Hemp fibers had excellent properties for making ropes and canvases. In addition, hemp fibers were spun into yarn for clothing and, as shown in Mount Vernon records, were used by Washington to It could also be used to repair large dragnets used in fishing along the Potomac River.”

Nearly 500,000 Americans die each year from tobacco-related illnessesBut it is persuasive to think that it could have been avoided had Washington had its way. “At some point in the 1760s, Washington considered hemp as a more profitable cash crop than tobacco, but decided that wheat was a better alternative.” Cultivation records can be scrutinized.

Thomas Jefferson

Jefferson’s hemp harvest was huge and he hired slaves to grow it. “Slaved workers grew cannabis on both Monticello and Monticello. poplar forestJefferson’s Farm, Bedford County, Virginia”, Jefferson’s Estate I wrote.Jefferson used to used 48 pounds of hemp to make clothes for child slaves.

Jefferson’s sprawling farm can harvest up to 150 pounds of hemp a day, “man-handling three acres of hemp a year,” Jefferson wrote in his diary. Acceptable ground entails surrendering he 500.lbs per acre. As a general rule, if you have more than 4 feet of hemp, consider 100 pounds of load per foot. expensive. Hands can weigh 60, 70, or even 150 pounds a day. ” You can read Here are 95 pages of Hemp Journal in his own handwriting.

made in usa threshing machineInvented around the time of the Proclamation, it was used in cannabis and was a symbol of power over British rule.

Thomas Payne

Thomas Payne’s common sense spur the revolution, Highest sales and circulation of any book This book was published in 1775 and left its mark on American history. This book convinced the settlers that they were being exploited by the king. “We are abundantly included in nearly every article on defense,” the pamphlet reads. “Hemp flourishes up to the ranks, so we don’t need a leash.” The latter line sparked speculationHowever, “rankness” apparently means “fruitfulness”, i.e. keeping the colonists from running out of hemp rope.

benjamin franklin

benjamin franklin owned a linen factory We have published content about the medical properties of hemp. Franklin published the Pennsylvania State GazetteAnd in it are excerpts of the words of Ephraim Chambers. universal dictionarywrote that cannabis is “greatly useful in arts and manufacturing,” and that “the seeds are said to have the ability to reduce sexual desire. And its milk decoction is recommended against jaundice.” You can see the original version here.

Like Washington, Franklin changed my mind about the issue of slaverywas the first president of the Abolition Society, but throughout his life the embedded institution of slavery remained largely unchanged.

Alexander Hamilton

The first U.S. Treasury Secretary, Alexander Hamilton, oversaw cannabis imports within the United States and once imposed a 5% tax on cannabis imports in 1790. “Valelem excludes certain items considered important to manufacturing, but hemp is not among them,” Hamilton said. I have written “Therefore, it is certain that there will be a 5 percent tariff on cannabis imports into the United States from foreign countries.”

Henry Clay

Clay ran for president and lost three times, which is why his name is rarely mentioned. Clay was also very keen on hemp, and he forced his slaves to grow it. “Hemp was Henry Clay’s most profitable cash crop in the Ashlands.” henry write. “Clay’s enslaved men cultivated thousands of pounds of hemp and manufactured it into ropes and sacks for the cotton industry. We pursued new innovations.”

James Madison

James Madison, America’s fourth president and “father of the Constitution,” was also reportedly a hemp farmer, claiming that hemp gave him the insight to create a new democracy. Founded in 2015 by faculty members from the Faculty of Biology and Faculty of Engineering, Industrial Hemp Research Program at James Madison University Coordinate university expertise towards laboratory research.

Alexandra Solorio
Introducing Alexandra, an accomplished cannabis writer who has passionately pursued her craft for a decade. Through a decade-long journey, Alexandra has cultivated a profound connection with the cannabis world, translating her expertise into captivating prose. From unraveling the plant's rich history to exploring its therapeutic marvels and legal evolution, she has adeptly catered to both connoisseurs and newcomers. An unwavering advocate, Alexandra's words not only enlighten but also advocate responsible cannabis use, establishing her as an indispensable industry voice over the past ten years.

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