Study: Vaporizing CBD/THC Cannabis Blend Effective for Sustained Migraine Relief

Study: Vaporizing CBD/THC Cannabis Blend Effective for Sustained Migraine Relief

the Estimation At least 39 million Americans live with migraines, but that number could be much higher due to a lack of diagnosis and appropriate treatment. And anyone who experiences migraines, especially those who experience them regularly, knows all too well how debilitating it can be.

Cannabis is already known to be beneficial for migraine sufferers, as it is a qualifying condition in many states' medical programs. But of course, we're still following the research surrounding cannabis as a whole, and we continue to learn a lot about cannabis and how it works in treating specific conditions, such as migraines. .

a pilot study A study sponsored by medRxiv took a closer look at the relationship between cannabis and migraines and found that inhaling the flower, which contains both CBD and THC, may be the key to migraine relief. Data has not yet been peer-reviewed.

First study evaluating cannabis for migraine relief

The authors note existing preclinical and retrospective studies suggesting that cannabinoids may be effective in treating migraine, but no randomized clinical trials yet exist to assess efficacy. .

Additionally, we note that although acute treatments for migraine, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, are popular, treatment optimization rates in this regard are low and discontinuation rates tend to be high.

To investigate how cannabis can help control migraine symptoms, researchers at the University of California, San Diego (ECSD) conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial with herbal cannabis. did. This is the first of its kind, according to the study. The study involved 92 patients with persistent migraine.

Participants were randomly assigned to one of four cannabis chemotypes: 6% THC, 11% CBD, 6% THC and 11% CBD, or placebo. Each time a migraine attack occurred, participants were instructed to open an application on their smartphone and check whether the attack met the criteria for cannabis administration (if more than 7 days had passed since the last dose, or shorter). ) Encourage participants to ask questions. Within 4 hours of the onset of the headache, he will assess the severity of the pain, other symptoms associated with the migraine, and the absence of acute treatment since the onset of the attack.

As long as the participant meets the set criteria, the app will instruct the participant to vaporize the cannabis, inhale for 5 seconds, hold the breath for 10 seconds, wait 45 seconds and repeat the process four times. The app then pushed a survey to participants 1 hour, 2 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours after application to assess effectiveness.

The most effective THC/CBD blend for migraine treatment

Ultimately, this study concluded that vaporized cannabis containing THC and CBD was most effective in treating migraines. They also found that the THC/CBD blend was better than a placebo when it came to relieving photophobia, or photosensitivity, associated with migraines, and phonophobia, an acoustic phobia.

“Vaporized cannabis flower with 6% THC + 11% CBD was superior to placebo in terms of analgesia, pain relief, and MBS.” [most bothersome symptom] “Freedom at 2 hours, sustained pain freedom for 24 hours, sustained MBS freedom for 48 hours, and sustained MBS freedom for 48 hours,” the authors reported, noting that the blend showed sustained pain freedom compared to placebo. He emphasized that it is the only thing that can bring significant benefits.

The study found that the THC and CBD-dominant blend showed no difference compared to a placebo surrounding 24- or 48-hour sustained pain and MBS freedom.

Regardless of the type of cannabis ingested, participants reported no serious side effects. However, the THC-dominant blend produced the most euphoria, cognitive impairment, and subjective high, followed by the THC/CBD blend, and then the CBD-dominant flower.

Gaps in research and future prospects

Although the study did not evaluate repeated dosing or regular long-term treatment, the researchers found improvement Research on patient-reported outcomes of regular, long-term, or prophylactic use of cannabis-based medicines.

Additionally, the study only considered single potencies of THC and CBD and a single THC:CBD ratio, and trace amounts of cannabinoids and terpenes were also excluded from the study.

In their study's conclusion, the researchers still note the need for further research, including multicenter and long-term studies, into the benefits and risks of repeated use of cannabis for migraine treatment.

David B.
David B. stands out as an exceptional cannabis writer, skillfully navigating the intricate world of cannabis culture and industry. His insightful and well-researched articles provide a nuanced perspective on various aspects, from the therapeutic benefits to the evolving legal landscape. David's writing reflects a deep understanding of the plant's history, its diverse strains, and the ever-changing dynamics within the cannabis community. What sets him apart is his ability to break down complex topics into digestible pieces, making the information accessible to both seasoned enthusiasts and newcomers alike. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for the subject, David B. emerges as a reliable and engaging voice in the realm of cannabis literature.

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