in the British Isles, jersey hemp It is the only farm permitted to grow cannabis. CBD products are licensed to manufacture, but the UK government recently closed the farm Trace amounts of THC were detected in the farm’s produce.
according to BBC report, jersey hemp Partners David Ryan and Blair Jones were forced to lay off half of their workforce and shut down operations, while the UK government restricted exports of Jersey hemp products.
As a result, Jersey Hemp released a press statement on 23 June announcing that it would consider taking both the Home Office and the UK Food Standards Authority to court over the matter. “Jersey Hemp, the only licensed CBD producer in the British Isles, has been approved by the UK and Jersey government with the direction of the UK Home Office and the subsequent support of the Jersey authorities restricting the export of Jersey Hemp’s CBD Wellness. Considering taking legal action against ‘products to the UK’ the statement explained. “This decision contradicts the legal position affirming compliance of Jersey hemp products with relevant laws and is a clear error of both law and court.”
jersey hemp is Licensed for cultivation in 2019, has spent the last three years meeting all national requirements for compliant operation. “We really have to take a step back and think about where we are.” ryan said. “It’s very frustrating and very sad. The impact on us is devastating.”
The company’s concern is that this decision could have a negative impact on the CBD industry as a whole. “If this decision is upheld, it would effectively render the entire CBD market in the UK illegal, and adversely affect the viability of Jersey Hemp as a business.” it continued. “As a result, Jersey Hemp has already experienced a significant financial impact, resulting in a process of layoffs affecting more than 50% of our workforce.”
The export of cannabis is licensed under the Abuse of Substances Act 1978 (Jersey Act), which permits it on a “per shipment” basis. BBC. A Home Office spokesperson commented on the situation. “CBD in its pure form is not a controlled substance, but if a CBD product contains THC or other regulated cannabinoids, the product is more likely to be regulated,” the spokesperson said. Stated.
joint statement from Kirsten Morrell, Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture and Karen Wilson Minister for Health and Social Services Morrell and Wilson said they were aware of the situation, but didn’t provide details on what would happen next. “Jersey hemp His Highness the Government As for exports to the UK, we cannot comment on those negotiations, nor speculate on their outcome, as it is a separate jurisdiction.” the statement said. “All businesses licensed to grow cannabis in Jersey are responsible for ensuring compliance with the relevant laws of the jurisdictions in which they export their products.”
There is evidence that British citizens want better access to cannabis and other substances. A June 2022 poll found that one-fifth of UK adults had tried CBD in flower or oil form, and 58% of those who took part in the survey said CBD had health benefits. He said he believes there are advantages to
But apart from that, Britain maintained control of its territory and blocked Bermuda from enacting cannabis legalization in September 2022.
But the future isn’t all bleak, as cannabis and psychedelics are gaining a lot of support at the moment. In December 2022, the UK police chief called for the decriminalization of cannabis for first-time drug offenders.
In April 2023, the UK-based University of Exeter launched a graduate course on clinical psychedelics called ‘Psychedelics: Mind, Medicine and Culture’. In May, Labor MP Charlotte Nichols made a speech in favor of psychedelic reform. “There are serious and substantial barriers to legal research associated with Schedule I regulations,” Nichols said. “Current legislation does not prevent scientific research with these agents, but it makes research significantly more difficult, time-consuming and expensive.”
In June, Britain’s Secretary of State for Housing and Community Affairs and Minister for Intergovernmental Relations Michael Gove openly admitted to using cannabis at a young age, describing it as “a hallmark of school years for many”. . However, he claims he “didn’t get very high.”