2023 Cannabis Supply Chain Virtual Conference

2023 Cannabis Supply Chain Virtual Conference

2023 Cannabis Supply Chain Virtual Conference

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Cannabis Packaging Solutions: Overcoming Regulation, Quality and Environmental Impact
Jack Glover, Founder and CEO of Grove Bags

Packaging regulations and quality standards play a vital role in ensuring consumer safety, product integrity and environmental sustainability in the cannabis industry. Grove Bags CEO Jack Grover delves into the multifaceted landscape of cannabis packaging. This presentation will explore different aspects of packaging regulations, focusing on childproof requirements and standards that vary from state to state. With a focus on transparency, Jack explains the benefits of different packaging options and their impact on product quality, shelf life and health. In addition, we discuss valuable insights into maintaining regulatory compliance and how all of the above impacts the experience of growers and end-users throughout the supply he chain. Through this thought-provoking presentation, attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the complex relationships between packaging, regulation, product quality and environmental impact across the global cannabis supply chain.

TechTalk sponsored by BIPOCann
Ernest Tony, Founder of BIPOCann

Automation Unleashed: Revolutionizing the Cannabis Industry Value Chain
Nohtal Partansky, CEO Sorting Robotics

Sorting Robotics CEO Nohtal Partansky explores the transformative potential of automation across the cannabis industry value chain. In this thought-provoking session, Nohtal delves into various use cases for automation and highlights the significant impact automation has on efficiency, productivity, quality and safety. This presentation makes a compelling argument for embracing automation as a strategic advantage. Nohtal demonstrates how automation can reduce overheads and increase company profitability, revealing financial benefits. He will also refer to remote discussions, emphasizing that automation minimizes the risk of human error and improves operational safety. Nohtal will continue to debunk common misconceptions about automation and assure attendees that automation can augment human capabilities, not replace jobs. A performance discussion will shed light on how automation ensures consistent product quality and provides consumers with a reliable experience every time. Additionally, Nohtal delves into the contamination debate and shows how automation can greatly reduce the risk of human error and contamination, thereby improving product safety. Participants will gain insight into how automation eliminates tedious and costly tasks, freeing up resources for more strategic initiatives.

Optimize cash handling through automation, analytics and reporting
Shawn Kruger, Senior Vice President of Products and Strategy, Avivatech

Sean Kruger shares how developing a cash automation strategy saves time and money while ensuring security and visibility of cash inventory within and across pharmacies, distribution operations and grow centers. Masu. As an industry with limited access to traditional bank accounts, a cash automation strategy supports the corporate goal of ensuring all cash is managed securely, providing the insight needed for all back-office operations. to reduce losses due to human error and human error. Prevent theft and ensure adherence to procedures everywhere. Krueger explains how to get bank relationships, export data to prepare for taxes and audits, and automate to stay compliant with state regulations.

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With two decades of dedicated experience, Nuggs is a seasoned cannabis writer and grower. His journey has been a harmonious blend of nurturing cannabis from seed to harvest and crafting insightful content. A true expert, they've honed strain-specific knowledge, cultivation techniques, and industry insights. His passion shines through enlightening articles and thriving gardens, making them a respected figure in both the growing and writing facets of the cannabis world.

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