Adventures With Santa: Braddock, Pennsylvania

Adventures With Santa: Braddock, Pennsylvania

Heading southeast from Pittsburgh, Santa stopped briefly at the Gisele Fetterman-founded Flea Store in Braddock, Pennsylvania, to drop off his once-beloved bike.

From a young age, he received the vocation of Giselle. She moved to Pennsylvania, where her current husband, John Fetterman, worked alongside him while he was mayor. She then assisted him as second lady of Pennsylvania as the state’s lieutenant general. Still by his side today, supporting her success as a state senator.

Santa found a good egg and couldn’t wait to meet the beloved woman in that state. She’s so beloved that she’s often heard during campaigns with the mantra, “Vote for her husband for Giselle.”

He also recognizes that she has been honest about using cannabis as a medicine for chronic pain after a string of accidents throughout her life, and that her state is together with her husband. advocated legalizing the plant in

in a historic house

Santa sent Rudolph to the roof of Fetterman’s house.

Senator Fetterman is proud of the state’s steel history and converted the former Superior Motors building across from the Edgar Thomson Steelworks into a family home. The factory was the first to lay railroad tracks in the country, and Fetterman’s pride was strong.

Superior Motors was one of the first indoor car dealerships in the country. The old Chevrolet had to be craned out of the house soon.

Gisele Fetterman lies next to her sleeping husband, hinting at the impending vacation, her fast-asleep children, her husband’s newly appointed state senator position, and the future of her family and the state they love. I was thinking about everything I could do.

None of the creatures were disturbed when they heard the sound of something crashing on the roof at night.

Glancing at her husband’s 6’8″ frame, giggling to see his feet sticking out of the edge of the bed, sleeping soundly with a blanket over his head, she wants to see what’s wrong. I tiptoed towards the rooftop. .

Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she could hardly believe what she saw.

“Ho-ho-ho!” I didn’t mean to frighten you,” said Santa, cautiously getting out of his sleigh as the reindeer lounged on the sprawling roof.

“I’m not against miracles,” Giselle said with an unsure smile.

“Well, I’m no miracle, just spreading the love of giving, just like you,” he replied. “I hope you’re as excited to see me as I am to meet you. You’re one of us. Your selfless and loving ways are my wife.” I didn’t miss it either.”

Santa pulled a small dropper bottle of tincture from his pocket and held it to Giselle, who was stroking Rudolph’s nose.

“You may have never thought of it, but sitting in this wooden sled can make my back hurt a little bit,” he said in a serious voice, startling her. Starting to grow, Mrs. Claus is making this tincture, she wanted you to have a bottle.

Created by Mrs. Claus, the hemp tincture is made using a lower number of compounds of cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cross-bred by the late Lawrence Ringo of Southern Humboldt County in the top of Northern California. it was done.

Ringo crossed a low-THC plant for his own chronic back pain, making it what he called “the plant of God.” This is because the original cannabis plants said to be found in the Holy Anointings of the Bible did not have the high THC values ​​that we do. today. Yet, the plant called hemp still has the full cannabinoid and terpene profile of the cannabis plant as a superfood, and is highly medicinal without the high prices.

“Frankincense and myrrh are both very medicinal,” said Santa. “It’s not just the incense to the infant Jesus. I don’t think most people understand that about most plants, and why they brought medicine to the child in the manger.” think.”

Giselle, who understood it, happily accepted the vial with gratitude. But she was also a little stunned. There was a lot to embrace. Santa, cannabis advocate – elf as farmer, Mrs. Claus as pharmacist, holy anointing weed?

This man in a red suit flying through the air offered more than a physical gift on Christmas Eve, she thought.

She knew in her heart that if her gentle giant-husband could win the state senator, she would wear his signature sweatshirt, perennial shorts and sneakers in the winter. Hell, in this life, her very existence in this country was trash in the first place.

Courtesy of Gisele Fetterman, Diana Markosian

holy night, holy night

“I read that there will be three strikes,” continued Santa. “You started life in this country as an illegal immigrant. You are a woman and a cannabis patient.”

“Yeah, they don’t know how to judge me because of my thick eyebrows,” she laughed, and Santa chuckled. “But I think education is everything when it comes to cannabis. It’s been misunderstood for a very long time.”

“So many people perceive plants as medicine. It’s true,” he pondered. I don’t pay customs duties my reindeer aren’t even documented in the US but here they are There are double standards everywhere, in every country.”

The two had a good laugh at Santa’s point of view, and Gisele had to agree.The two were quite the pair.

The stars in the sky shone brightly over Braddock as they celebrated this very special Christmas Eve together.

“Thank you Santa,” Giselle said affectionately. And for Mrs. Claus and the elves, and these beautiful animals. And plants that help us both. ”

“And I appreciate you and your good work,” he replied. “‘If everyone gives, nobody gives’.” Mrs. Claus always reminds me of that. It’s not easy to be misunderstood in this world. It’s not easy to see people let go. And it’s not easy to see people suffering because they can’t get this plant. ”

In the distance, I heard the bells of the Byzantine Catholic Church of St. Peter and Paul ringing in celebration of Christmas Eve. The steel mill across the street was quiet, and Giselle’s family slept peacefully in bed, oblivious to the magic happening on the roof.

Santa returned to his sleigh and ordered the crew to head to the City of Love in Philadelphia.

“Good luck. Heading to Kensington,” Santa said, waving and kissing the state senator’s wife. I put it down!”

“God bless Santa and God bless Kensington’s soul,” Gisele waved back, put her hands together in prayer, and raised her hands to the jolly man. rice field. Then she kissed Braddock into the twinkling night sky.

“Merry Christmas everyone and good night!” Santa called back.

For more information on Braddock’s free store visit

For more information on the visit of newly elected Senator John Braddock, visit

With two decades of dedicated experience, Nuggs is a seasoned cannabis writer and grower. His journey has been a harmonious blend of nurturing cannabis from seed to harvest and crafting insightful content. A true expert, they've honed strain-specific knowledge, cultivation techniques, and industry insights. His passion shines through enlightening articles and thriving gardens, making them a respected figure in both the growing and writing facets of the cannabis world.

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