California Bill to Require Cannabis Warnings About Mental Disorder Risks Advances

California Bill to Require Cannabis Warnings About Mental Disorder Risks Advances

Should California cannabis products be warned about rare side effects for people with schizophrenia and other mental illnesses, or fuel false or exaggerated beliefs about cannabis. mosquito?

Senate bill 1097The Cannabis Knowing Rights Act was introduced by Senator Richard Pan on February 16th. Public Health Research Institute, A non-profit organization. It was amended by the Business and Occupational Commission on June 21 due to increased support for the bill.

Some researchers say they must already have a predisposition to mental illness, such as schizophrenia, for these types of negative reactions to occur, but others agree. I will not. Others say that certain types of products shouldn’t be a big deal.

“CalNORML agrees that consumers should be educated about the risk of psychotic reactions, especially in relation to tapping with high THC concentrates,” said Dale Gielinger. High Times.. “Cyclic vomiting syndrome is another concern. However, it is doubtful whether label warnings are a useful way to notify them. Consumers have already seen the insane Proposal 65 warning surge. I’m sick of it. “

Gieringer has been the state coordinator of the NORML branch of California since 1987, before the adult use regulations came into force, and has stepped up its safety efforts. Requesting such a warning from a hot product or a product like a CBD product is not a solution, he says.

He continued. “I don’t think SB1097 is the right answer. It doesn’t make sense to post these warnings on topics or harmless products like high CBD varieties. Consumers weren’t consulted by the authors of SB1097. We believe further research is needed to determine the best way to inform consumers about the risk of THC overconsumption. “

June 30th Kaiser Health News Teen instance profile He showed an adverse reaction to the pot, but later revealed that he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Liz Carrcardi’s grandson had little experience with cannabis, but suffered from schizophrenia. The pot seemed to enhance hallucinatory delusions. “They were trying to kill him and there were people coming to eat his brain. It’s weird and weird,” said Carcardi. “I woke up one morning, but Collie wasn’t anywhere. In fact, he was running down the villa lane completely naked here.”

“Drug use has activated mental illness, that’s what I really think,” she said.

Seek and you will find, and there are many peer-reviewed studies that show negative consequences from the use of cannabis.according to study Was announced in Lancet psychiatry March 19, 2019, the focus is on a strong pot and the risk is over 4 times larger For those who use a powerful pot daily than those who have never smoked. However, in many cases these risks are disproportionately blown away.

Fearmongers has funded such research. Tell your child: the truth about marijuana, mental illness, and violence— As you can imagine, what was permanently banned from Twitter was the spread of false information. The method in which the debate is presented makes it seem as if schizophrenia is common.

Other researchers say the results of studies looking for a true correlation between cannabis and schizophrenia, or other mental illnesses, cannabis-free drugs, nicotine, and other factors. ..

2014 studyRecruited cannabis smokers with or without a family history of schizophrenia, and non-smokers with or without such history, led by Ashley C. Proal and Dr. Lin E. Delisi, Harvard Medical School. ..However This time, Pot users did not use other medicines, so those factors could be ruled out. What they actually found was an increased risk of schizophrenia among people with a family history, regardless of cannabis use.

“My research clearly shows that cannabis does not cause schizophrenia on its own,” said Dr. DeLisi. Said the New York Times “Rather, it requires a genetic predisposition. Based on the results of this and other studies, cannabis use from adolescence to age 25 is at the peak of growth in individuals with mature brains and genetically vulnerable individuals. At some point, it is likely that you will begin to develop schizophrenia. “

Other experts supported Dr. DeLisi’s speculation that schizophrenia warnings could swell a bit. “Usually it is the study type that is running the” sky is falling “bit, but here it is switched. ” Said Dr. Jay Guide, a professor of psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego. “Researchers are wary not to oversell the danger, as apparently done in the past, but clinicians overwhelmingly support seeing more adolescents with’paranoia’. I am. “

SB 1097 is currently heading to the Expenditure Committee sent on June 22 for another reading.

With two decades of dedicated experience, Nuggs is a seasoned cannabis writer and grower. His journey has been a harmonious blend of nurturing cannabis from seed to harvest and crafting insightful content. A true expert, they've honed strain-specific knowledge, cultivation techniques, and industry insights. His passion shines through enlightening articles and thriving gardens, making them a respected figure in both the growing and writing facets of the cannabis world.

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