Group Submits Signatures to Get Medical Cannabis Measure on Nebraska Ballot

Group Submits Signatures to Get Medical Cannabis Measure on Nebraska Ballot

A group seeking to legalize medical cannabis in Nebraska submitted a ballot just below the ballot on Thursday, ending a campaign plagued by tragedy and financial hurdles.

The state of Nebraska, a medical marijuana, said it had submitted thousands of signatures to the Secretary of State in hopes of getting a medical cannabis proposal on a ballot in Cornhasker in November this year.

The group waits for a notification to see if the measure is eligible for voting.

“It’s official. We have submitted over 184,000 signatures to put medical cannabis on ballots.” Said State Senator Anna Wishart, a democratic councilor who co-sponsored Nebraska for medical marijuana. “We’ll know in the coming months if it’s enough to qualify. All signatures represent those who have the courage to go out and ask and those who are willing to sign. Thank you Nebraska. . “

Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana has dealt with a series of setbacks through petitioning. The group’s outlook was disastrous after one of the top donors died in a plane crash in March and another donor was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

The tragic pair left Wishart and others in the group in search of donations.

“I think catastrophic is a conservative expression,” said Crysta Eggers, who led the group’s petition campaign. “We are asking you for help.”

“If all we needed was grit, drive, and determination, we have it,” Eggers said. “If that’s what we need, our campaign will be run many times. But unfortunately, one of the things we don’t have and must have is money. is.”

The motive of the egg is personal. Her son Colton suffers from epilepsy and is unable to receive medical cannabis treatment in Nebraska.

“We have received a great deal of encouragement from individuals across the state who support many patients, such as his son Colton, who are in desperate need of access to this drug. What is your political background? We should all agree that it is cruel and inhumane to criminalize drugs that can relieve suffering, “Eggers announced last fall in a petition campaign for the group. “Current policy does not reflect the values ​​of our family here in Nebraska. We intend to change that. All who believe in compassion for suffering individuals like my son. People need to participate in this movement and help us win in 2022. “

On Thursday, the Eggers marveled at the resilience of the group.

“These are the people who care about this issue, they kept stepping up one after another as you know, and when things got hard, they kept going,” said the local TV station. Eggers said as quoted by KETV..

“I didn’t have the choice to give up. Thanks to you. Thanks to all the people, the story I relied on us to accomplish this,” Eggers added.

The Nebraskas in medical marijuana submitted their signatures in the 11th hour, worthy of the turmoil that defined the petition movement. KETV report The group “used as much as possible every second before having to submit a Lincoln-signed petition,” and people “signed the petition outside the Secretary of State within an hour of the deadline.” rice field.

In a post on the Facebook page on Thursday afternoon, the group Prompted Both the individual who wants to sign the petition and the notary who comes to the Secretary of State.

The Nebraska medical marijuana began a previous effort in 2020 to obtain a proposal for a state ballot, but the Nebraska Supreme Court ruled it ineligible.

“We will face tomorrow about what will happen tomorrow,” Eggers said Thursday. KETV..

With two decades of dedicated experience, Nuggs is a seasoned cannabis writer and grower. His journey has been a harmonious blend of nurturing cannabis from seed to harvest and crafting insightful content. A true expert, they've honed strain-specific knowledge, cultivation techniques, and industry insights. His passion shines through enlightening articles and thriving gardens, making them a respected figure in both the growing and writing facets of the cannabis world.

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