
New Study Reviews Inequity in Cannabis Research, Recommends How To Move Forward

Recent papers published in PNAS Nexus provides an in-depth review of the impact of the drug war on people of color, the disproportionate ownership of cannabis businesses in today’s industry,…

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New Podcast Documents Fallout of Adelanto, Its Move To Legalize Cannabis

What happened in Adelanto, California is in many ways a classic American story. Wanting to transform a declining prison town into a thriving place, it turned to the country’s other…

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Republican Congressman Reintroduces Bill To Move Cannabis to Schedule III

With many supporters pushing for the decriminalization and complete descheduling of cannabis at the federal level, one Republican lawmaker is pushing for simply downgrading cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule…

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Berkeley Officials Consider Move To Decriminalize Hallucinogens

Officials in Berkeley, Calif., will consider proposals to decriminalize hallucinogens, including LSD. The move was a byproduct of a long-running project that “dragged on the Berkeley City Council for three…

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In Historic Move, Biden Announces He Will Pardon Thousands of Federal Cannabis Offenses

Today, President Joe Biden announced that he will pardon those federally convicted of simple possession of cannabis. Additionally, he announced that he would direct U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland…

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