Arizona Veteran Faces Prison Time for Treating Cluster Headaches with DMT

Arizona Veteran Faces Prison Time for Treating Cluster Headaches with DMT

Damon Leche (pronounced lech, like fetch) was raided by police while he was cooking breakfast at his home in Chandler, Arizona on August 11, 2021, used to extract psilocybin mushrooms, DMT, and DMT. Arrested after discovering a flask containing naphtha, a chemical that is poisoned. At the time of this article’s publication, he could face up to six and a half years in prison if convicted of possession and manufacture of dangerous drugs.

Leche, 44, said he uses tryptamines such as psilocybin and DMT to treat cluster headaches, widely considered one of the most painful experiences mankind has experienced. DMT and psilocybin are highly illegal in Arizona, so Leche faces several years in prison, claiming it’s the only way to maintain quality of life.

“It’s the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life,” Leche said. “When I actually have a headache, nothing relieves the headache better than DMT. It stops the headache immediately. With a light impact, the headache stops for about an hour to an hour and a half. Bigger hits.” If you do get one, it may last longer, but some headaches last for hours, so you’ll need to hit several times during the episode, but the pain will go away. The amount I smoked to stop was not a mentally stimulating amount.”

Mr. Leche said his disgruntled ex-girlfriend had called the police to let him grow mushrooms in the house. Between that and his previous arrest record, that was all it took to launch a full-scale raid. The kicker here is that the ex-girlfriend who called Leche to the police was apparently at his house when the police marched a few weeks later.

“I had no idea. Me and my ex-girlfriend broke up because she started getting into scams and shit. I kicked her out because I found out and she was mad, I kicked her out, so the next time she had a problem, she was like, ‘I got this information,'” Leche said. She said, “She didn’t know she was telling me. She still comes by now and then.”

Despite its cruel irony, Leche represents a very real problem in the criminal justice system. He is a U.S. Army veteran who returned home from two deployments with very serious medical problems using cannabis. He was charged with a felony shortly after his return, years before the raid in question.

“That first case, I [got] My arrest was in 2001, so I hadn’t even come home from the army for a year when they tried to send me to jail for usable amounts of marijuana,” Leche said at the time. He also indicated that he possessed a firearm. “I know it’s not a problem for them, but my doctor told me they tried to give me a lot of Xanax and painkillers for my chronic pain and anxiety, PTSD. , I told him I didn’t really like drugs, and he said, “I can smoke marijuana, but it’s illegal.”

Leche served two and a half years in prison for the crime. If anyone is wondering why such a harsh sentence was handed down to a recently returned soldier, just remember that this is Arizona in 2001. As Leche kindly reminded me, people used to struggle for evidence as frivolous as cannabis seeds.

As a journalist, it is my job to provide all the perspectives needed, and while I may personally sympathize with this case, Leche is an innocent freedom fighter wrongfully accused of a crime he did not commit. I would like to make that clear. . This man has been sending questionable decisions his entire life. He then served another four-and-a-half years in prison for running a chop shop, not to mention being arrested for DUI in 2013 with his son in his car, but that’s a no-brainer for jurors in any state. It would be terrible. The caveat here is that I’ve been friends with their entire family for a long time, so I’m pretty biased here. I’ve heard stories about the man over the years, and they’ve all been a little stranger and more confusing than the last. Having said that, I personally believe that Leche is already given only to use the means at its disposal to treat symptoms according to the findings of documented, peer-reviewed scientific studies. I don’t think I deserve seven years in solitary confinement.

a report A National Library of Medicine study found that regarding cluster headaches: There appeared to be little or no interest in the psychoactive effects per se, and they were rather tolerated or avoided by using sub-psychoactive doses. Primarily, psilocybin, lysergic acid diethylamide, and the related psychedelic tryptamine have been reported to be effective in both prophylactic and acute treatment of cluster headache and migraine. “

some more the study Published in caseThey all come to the same general conclusion. According to one of the aforementioned studies, about 1 in 1,000 Americans suffers from cluster headaches, and they do virtually everything to alleviate or avoid it, and so far no psychedelic drugs have worked. seems to be a target. That way. Of course, this is America, and with the majority of the country still fighting Nixon’s war on drugs, people like Leche face two equally unthinkable options. Either endure terrible pain for months each year, or take drugs and risk jail time.

Leche is currently negotiating through a plea bargain and other means, but as it stands, his previous record could mean he could be sentenced to six-and-a-half years in prison in a plea bargain, or a trial will take place later this fall. It is possible, and if a plea deal is struck, the impact could be even greater. A judge chooses to convict him. Reasonable people may disagree on whether Damon Laetzsch is a worthy member of the community. But rational people, like many others, were killed by the criminal justice system because Leche returned from the army, was imprisoned for possessing private doses of cannabis, and was decreed by 38 of the 50 states. From that point on, you can’t argue that you’ve ruined your life. Ever since it was legalized in some way. Cannabis aside, psychedelics like the one Leche was arrested for are already being touted as miracle drugs by big pharmaceutical companies. Is it reasonable to tell the man that he should take a break at this point? This humble journalist said, “Yes, leave me alone. Please thank him for his service when you return.”

Those who sympathize with this lawsuit and wish to defend on Leche’s behalf may write to:

Alcock & Associates PC Contact: Vernon Lorenz
2. Kita Chuo Dori
26th floor
Phoenix, Arizona 85004

Alexandra Solorio
Introducing Alexandra, an accomplished cannabis writer who has passionately pursued her craft for a decade. Through a decade-long journey, Alexandra has cultivated a profound connection with the cannabis world, translating her expertise into captivating prose. From unraveling the plant's rich history to exploring its therapeutic marvels and legal evolution, she has adeptly catered to both connoisseurs and newcomers. An unwavering advocate, Alexandra's words not only enlighten but also advocate responsible cannabis use, establishing her as an indispensable industry voice over the past ten years.

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