Study Shows Pot Makes Workouts Enjoyable, Doesn’t Boost Performance

Study Shows Pot Makes Workouts Enjoyable, Doesn’t Boost Performance

According to the first ever study A study conducted by the University of Colorado Boulder on how legal, commercial cannabis affects exercise found that while cannabis can make exercise more enjoyable, it won't give you a super boost unless you're a cannabis superhero. do not have.

The research is published December 27th sports medicine It's been 10 years since marijuana was legalized in Colorado, and many other states have accepted it as the norm, so it's no surprise that it's become commonplace in the fitness world, but also in the sports world. remains a subject of controversy. Many famous athletes, especially American sprinter Shakari Richardson, have gotten into trouble for consuming cannabis.

The study surveyed 42 different runners and obtained information about how they used cannabis and how that use affected their activity.

“The ultimate finding is that consuming cannabis before exercise, whether using THC or CBD, appears to increase positive mood and enjoyment during exercise. However, THC products “can specifically make exercise feel easier,” explains Laurel Gibson, a researcher at the University of California Center for Health and Addiction: Neuroscience, Genes, and Environment (CU Change) and lead author.

This tells us what we already know. Ingesting cannabis doesn't necessarily mean you'll get “couch lock.”

“We have an epidemic of sedentary lifestyles in this country, and we need new tools to get people moving in fun ways,” said Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience and co-director and lead author of the journal. Author Angela Bryan says: CU change. “If cannabis is one of those tools, we need to study it with both the harms and benefits in mind.”

Previous research on cannabis users found large numbers of cannabis users, as Bryan researchers found that 80% of those surveyed used cannabis before and after exercise. They asked 42 Boulder-based cannabis users and runners about when and how they consumed cannabis. They had participants ingest cannabis that was high in either CBD or THC. Both under the influence of cannabis and without cannabis use were then asked about how they enjoyed exercise during his light 30-minute run on the treadmill.

There's little need to explain. Cannabis generally increases the enjoyment of our favorite activities, and the participants in this study liked running. Interestingly, however, enjoyment was even greater in the CBD group than in the THC group, suggesting that some of that enjoyment came from reduced pain levels during exercise.

THC users also claimed that running felt harder than when sober, but also more enjoyable and more intense. This also ties into how cannabis can enhance the average experience. Brian also claimed that marijuana's increased heart rate may be to blame.

Another study conducted by Brian and Gibson revealed that runners ran 31 seconds slower than sober people, but still reported having more fun.

“It's clear from our research that cannabis is not a performance-enhancing drug,” Brian says.

What's more, new research shows that only certain people experience the “runner's high” phenomenon. Naturally produced brain chemicals called endocannabinoids come into play after exercise, making some people feel happier and more alert. In other words, cannabis and exercise work together to create a pleasurable experience for some people, while others may feel overly tired.

“The reality is that some people never experience a runner's high,” Gibson says.

But that doesn't mean there's no reason to safely consume cannabis to enhance your workouts. The science behind cannabinoid receptors and how people who ingested cannabinoids felt during the study suggests that CBD and THC can produce euphoria during short workouts or pleasure during long workouts. The fact that it can help increase pain and relieve pain.

Of course, you should always be careful when combining drug use with exercise, even if it's just cannabis use. Cannabis can cause dizziness and loss of balance in some people, which can make working out dangerous under the wrong circumstances. And based on this data, those looking to train very seriously or participate in competitions may want to avoid cannabis altogether or use it only for recovery.

However, for those who simply want to step up their occasional workout, or enjoy getting in the zone and moving their bodies, this might be just the ticket.

Brian particularly emphasizes how powerful this finding could be for people who struggle with motivation to exercise or find exercise painful. For these people, finding something that makes exercise fun and appealing can be a game-changer.

“Is there a world in which taking a low-dose gummy before going for a walk would be beneficial? It's too early to make broad recommendations, but it's worth considering,” she concludes.

So the next time you're struggling to get motivated to take action, remember that a healthy dose of cannabis may help you achieve even more goals. But you probably won't be able to do it at record-breaking speed.

David B.
David B. stands out as an exceptional cannabis writer, skillfully navigating the intricate world of cannabis culture and industry. His insightful and well-researched articles provide a nuanced perspective on various aspects, from the therapeutic benefits to the evolving legal landscape. David's writing reflects a deep understanding of the plant's history, its diverse strains, and the ever-changing dynamics within the cannabis community. What sets him apart is his ability to break down complex topics into digestible pieces, making the information accessible to both seasoned enthusiasts and newcomers alike. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for the subject, David B. emerges as a reliable and engaging voice in the realm of cannabis literature.

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