The Netherlands To Crack Down on Nitrous Oxide Gas

The Netherlands To Crack Down on Nitrous Oxide Gas

Fed up with party companies renting out tanks of nitrous oxide or providing balloons and other equipment, Dutch leaders are taking action.

Under recently proposed legislation, the euphoria provided by nitrous oxide (aka laughing gas or whip-it) is no longer acceptable in the Netherlands. Until recently, Dutch party hosts could call a laughing gas company and rent equipment as if they were renting a photo booth.

and Briefing on November 14th Speaking to parliamentarians, Dutch Health Minister Bruno Bruins said retailers and wholesalers would impose voluntary age limits on the sale of nitrous oxide canisters (whip-its), limiting the number of canisters people could buy. Leading bills to force numbers to be limited.

“The recreational use of laughing gas poses significant health risks,” Secretary of State Van Owen (VWS) said in a briefing translated by Google. “Furthermore, the safety of non-users is also at stake. We often see news reports of tragic accidents caused by the use of laughing gas by road users. There is a call from society to ban the use of gas, and we are pleased to be able to implement this ban from 1 January 2023.”

last June, volksland reported Dozens of companies are coming out of Dutch woodworks to sell and offer laughing gas as a party drug— reportedly with names like Partygas and Lachgas Express. Companies provide gas tanks as well as balloons that are used to store gas hits.

“The nitrous oxide ban is very useful for police enforcement. This ban makes the possession of nitrous oxide – the possession itself – a crime,” said Minister Yesirgoz Zegerius (JenV) from Google. Translated. “This will allow the police to act more quickly. This is only possible if someone uses laughing gas and causes a nuisance or dangerous situation in traffic. has non-professional laughing gas and has a balloon filled with gas canisters in the car, the police will be able to act quickly. I would appreciate it if you could.”

Nitrous oxide for recreational purposes

I get loads of this: according to high times writer Nico Escondido high times Founder Thomas King Forsard came up with the idea for Top Pot Magazine with a group of friends over a tank of nitrous oxide. Amsterdam is the birthplace of the Cannabis He Cup, so these tanks may have been in the early events.

But leaders hope the move will make Dutch roads safer. Laughing gas has been involved in 1,800 accidents across the Netherlands in the last three years, according to his TeamAlert traffic safety monitor. “The almost twice-a-day figure hit us hard,” said TeamAlert’s Maartje Oosterink. Said advertisement Newspaper earlier this month.

Danger is justified for ignorance.Too much nitrous oxide unlike weed can actually kill you.

People who use nitrous oxide intended for technical purposes and as a food additive are exempt from the ban. However, from January 1, 2023, the purchase, sale, possession or transfer of bottled nitrous oxide to individuals will be prohibited.

Dutch manufacturers and wholesalers of medical nitrous oxide are required to apply for an opium exemption under Articles 6 and 8 of the Opium Act. Small ampoules of nitrous oxide, commonly used in whipped cream in the catering industry, are still permitted, but may not be resold to third parties.

The next few weeks will reveal the final details of the ban.

With two decades of dedicated experience, Nuggs is a seasoned cannabis writer and grower. His journey has been a harmonious blend of nurturing cannabis from seed to harvest and crafting insightful content. A true expert, they've honed strain-specific knowledge, cultivation techniques, and industry insights. His passion shines through enlightening articles and thriving gardens, making them a respected figure in both the growing and writing facets of the cannabis world.

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